Category: English Language Arts & Reading

  • Steering the Ship

    Steering the Ship

    Guest blog by Liz. D. Bennett, Secondary English Language Arts Coordinator in Mansfield ISD. Jay Shetty’s words on the Daily Jay described a trend in education that for a long time I associated with trepidation: goal setting. I remember returning one August to the campus’ back-to-school meeting. The excitement I felt was overshadowed by the…

  • Acrostic Poem for the Beginning of the New School Year

    Acrostic Poem for the Beginning of the New School Year

    B elieve in the journey that lies ahead, E mbrace the new chapter, where dreams are fed. G rowth and learning, abundant and clear, I nspiring minds with knowledge sincere. N ew friendships blossom, connections made, N ourishing souls with the memories they trade. I nquisitive minds, eager to explore, N avigating challenges, seeking more.…

  • Juggling Act

    Juggling Act

    Guest blog by Lisbeth D. Bennett, Secondary ELAR Coordinator in Mansfield ISD. A poem comes to mind.  If you groaned or shuddered, that’s ok. I think some people had no-good-rotten experiences when teachers covered poetry. I guarantee it was traumatizing for most educators as well. Maybe it was figuring out stress and meter or being…

  • Unwrap 5 Sweet Ideas to use Google Slides in the Writing Classroom

    Unwrap 5 Sweet Ideas to use Google Slides in the Writing Classroom

    Guest blog by Autumn Riley, Digital Learning Coach in Mansfield ISD  Finding the right tools and strategies to support our students’ writing can be a treat, and what could be sweeter than incorporating the tasty digital tools of Google Slides into our classrooms? Slides might not be your typical go to writing tool, but it…

  • A-Z of Classroom Transformation Ideas Part 3

    A-Z of Classroom Transformation Ideas Part 3

    This series of articles is a collaboration from Samantha Miller, Katelynn Fox, Jodi Roper, and myself. In the past, we have featured a transformation here and there and even broken down the steps to successful transformations. But today is one of the biggest posts we have attempted. We are highlighting 26 of the BEST transformations…

  • A-Z of Classroom Transformation Ideas Part 2

    A-Z of Classroom Transformation Ideas Part 2

    This series of articles is a collaboration from Samantha Miller, Katelynn Fox, Jodi Roper, and myself. In the past, we have featured a transformation here and there and even broken down the steps to successful transformations. But today is one of the biggest posts we have attempted. We are highlighting 26 of the BEST transformations…

  • A-Z of Classroom Transformation Ideas Part 1

    A-Z of Classroom Transformation Ideas Part 1

    This series of articles are a collaboration from Samantha Miller, Katelynn Fox, Jodi Roper, and myself. In the past, we have featured a transformation here and there and even broken down the steps to successful transformations. But today is one of the biggest posts we have attempted. We are highlighting 26 of the BEST transformations…

  • Hardest First Strategy

    Hardest First Strategy

    We sometimes see a concern with our advanced students, that may or may not have demonstrated a full year’s worth of growth in one year.  It is vital for our students to be able to grow at least a year. Today, I want to focus on the strategy of Hardes First and how that could…

  • Collaborative Learning: 10 Strategies that Work

    Collaborative Learning: 10 Strategies that Work

    Collaborative learning, a situation in which a few students get together and help each other learn, either through completing the task or by teaching each other. By using collaborative learning the engagement of any lesson or activity increases, it allows all students to participate and no student to be left “invisible”.  Collected here are 10…

  • Independent Reading Is My Jam… and it can be yours too!

    Independent Reading Is My Jam… and it can be yours too!

    Guest Blog by Autumn Riley, Campus GT Specialist and English I Teacher at Mansfield Lake Ridge High School in Mansfield ISD Total silence can be deafening in a classroom because the noiselessness can feel so uncomfortable, especially when you are used to hearing moving pencils and chatty students, but if you can fall in love…