Tag: Learning

  • Steering the Ship

    Steering the Ship

    Guest blog by Liz. D. Bennett, Secondary English Language Arts Coordinator in Mansfield ISD. Jay Shetty’s words on the Daily Jay described a trend in education that for a long time I associated with trepidation: goal setting. I remember returning one August to the campus’ back-to-school meeting. The excitement I felt was overshadowed by the…

  • Embracing Failure: Encouraging Growth Mindset in Students

    Embracing Failure: Encouraging Growth Mindset in Students

    In education, failure is often seen as something to be avoided at all costs. However, research has shown that embracing failure as a natural part of the learning process can actually lead to greater resilience, motivation, and academic success. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of embracing failure and share some strategies for…

  • Culturally Responsive Teaching: Celebrating Diversity in Education

    Culturally Responsive Teaching: Celebrating Diversity in Education

    In today’s diverse classrooms, it’s more important than ever for educators to embrace culturally responsive teaching practices that celebrate and honor the unique backgrounds and experiences of all students. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of culturally responsive teaching and share some strategies for implementing it in the classroom. What is Culturally Responsive…

  • Uniting Stars: Exploring Constellation Leadership in Education

    Uniting Stars: Exploring Constellation Leadership in Education

    In the vast expanse of the night sky, constellations stand as shimmering testaments to the interconnectedness of the cosmos. Each constellation, meticulously crafted from individual stars, weaves a tapestry of stories and symbolism that captivates our imaginations. But beyond their celestial allure, constellations offer profound insights into the nature of leadership, particularly within the realm…

  • T-Tess and Technology: Level up your Learning

    T-Tess and Technology: Level up your Learning

    Guest blog by Kim Murphree, Digital Learning Coach at Mansfield ISD. Incorporating technology to support instruction under the T-TESS (Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System) evaluation model involves thoughtful planning and integration. In addition, frequently teachers and administrators are not even sure where to start.  To combat that, the digital learning team at Mansfield ISD…

  • Opportunities Galore: How P-TECH is Preparing our Future Workforce

    Opportunities Galore: How P-TECH is Preparing our Future Workforce

    Guest blog by Dr. Tamplen, Director of CTE and CCMR in Mansfield ISD. If you are new to the world of P-TECH, welcome! P-TECH stands for Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools and is an innovative school model designed to help students graduate high school with a combination of industry credentials, dual-credit, and work-based…

  • Encouraging Engagement: A District Wide Journey of Collaboration

    Encouraging Engagement: A District Wide Journey of Collaboration

    This is a story of the journey that Mansfield ISD has been through these last two years. Based on the presentation presented at TCEA in 2024. Below you will see a summary of Mansfield ISD in visual format. A small but big district, spanning multiple cities with 49 campuses. GOAL: Unlock the potential of collaboration and…

  • The Ultimate Educator’s Reading List: Curated with ChatGPT’s Help

    The Ultimate Educator’s Reading List: Curated with ChatGPT’s Help

    Dear educators, as you gear up for another exciting year of molding young minds, we present to you the ultimate reading list carefully curated with a little help from ChatGPT. These books span pedagogy, leadership, and personal development, providing a comprehensive guide to make this year your most impactful yet. 1. “The Innovator’s Mindset: Empower…

  • Chalk It Up to Success: A Guide to a Fantastic School Year

    Chalk It Up to Success: A Guide to a Fantastic School Year

    Welcome back, educators! As we embark on a new academic adventure, it’s time to chalk up the blueprint for a school year filled with success, growth, and, of course, a touch of inspiration. In this guide, we’ll explore strategies, mindset shifts, and activities to make this year truly fantastic for both you and your students.…

  • Unleashing Potential: A Journey of Growth and Inspiration for the 2023-2024 School Year

    Unleashing Potential: A Journey of Growth and Inspiration for the 2023-2024 School Year

    Dear educators, students, and parents, As the familiar rhythm of the school year returns, the air is buzzing with anticipation, hope, and the promise of new beginnings. The start of the 2023-2024 academic year is upon us, and with it comes a remarkable opportunity to embark on a journey of growth, resilience, and inspiration. Let…